"Excuse me, dear, I have to run to the nearest convenient store and get a bathroom scale."
It sounds ridiculous, I agree. But I was at a small convenient store, and yes, there near the front of the store was a display with digital bathroom scales for sale.
Now I admit that I am an illogical logical person, but a bathroom scale?
I understand food, toiletries, cleaning supplies and other seemingly strange items. At least, I can justify a sudden need for those things.
But a bathroom scale? It's not like I am going to get ready for bed and suddenly have such an urge to weigh that I have to rush to the nearest convenient store for a bathroom scale. Nor am I likely to want to pay a little extra for the "convenience" of weighing so quickly.
I stood staring at the display in bewilderment while waiting to pay for my purchase. Days have passed, and I still think of the bathroom scales sitting on the display near the register trying to capture the attention of a desperate customer or impulse buyer.
I can't help but wonder if I have been so unobservant that I have missed items such as these at convenient stores? Are there other items for sale at them that have little to do with the immediate needs in our daily lives?
So, I ask you. What is the strangest thing that you have seen sold at a convenient store ?