Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pick Three

Pick three. I was challenged to pick three people to pray for that were lost. Little did I know how life-changing it would be.

Being illogically logical I analyzed for the perfect three. I decided to pick them in stages rather than more of a luck of the draw.

The first person I chose was someone that had already been asking the right questions, someone who I felt that any day would chose to become "found." I wanted someone that was an easy prayer that would encourage me when he decided to become a Christian. So I wrote down his name.

Then I upped the game. How about somebody that wasn't asking questions but was a good friend that would remain a friend? I could still pray for her and be there to drop hints in hopes that she would want further study. I scrawled that name on a piece of paper and added it to the prayer jar.

Okay. There's nothing like testing God's limits--right? Wrong. The third name was someone special, someone I considered an enemy. This was someone that frustrated me and discouraged me and made me mad just at the sight of her. I wanted no contact with her. I really didn't want to pray for her, but I needed a third name and knew that she was an impossible convert.

Those were the three I picked--and prayed for--night and day never knowing what God had in store. I wasn't expecting great things even though I knew God was more than capable of them. I wasn't expecting God to suddenly soften hearts even though I know He does.

About a month went by...

I received word that the first person on the list became a Christian. I was thrilled, but not surprised. After all, I chose him first because to me he was a given.

That is all I expected. I proved the system worked---praying for three and one decided to becaome a Christian. I kept praying for the other two, but I let God know that I still believed in His mighty power and love because of the one that worked. I settled for the one.

But God wasn't finished...

About a week after the first person became a Christian, I received a phone call from my friend. She said she had been studying the Bible and had some questions. She wanted to know if I would come and have a Bible study with her.

To some that may have been music to the ear, but I was terrified. Because with phone at my ear held by shaking hands I suddenly realized that I might spend eternity with the third person on the list--my enemy.

You may think the story stops there, but it doesn't.

No, the third person is not a Christian yet. She remains in my prayer jar and continues to be brought before God in prayer.

But here's the beauty of picking three: A few years have passed and many prayers have been made. She called out of the clear blue one day wanting me to go to lunch with her.

I did. I soon discovered she wasn't the enemy I was led to believe she was. We had much in common and carried on like long lost friends.

I may have picked three, but God picked four. I don't know if he changed her, but I know He changed me.

I learned that in praying for my enemies, I learned to love them. I learned that no matter how bad they are or how bad I think they are, they are significant to God and He still wants to save them.

And I learned that when I pick three, God can change the hearts of them all and He might just pick you.

And I learned that no matter what, to always pick Him.