Our vacation Bible school has just ended. What a marvelous experience it was for me. I asked one of the children there what his favorite thing was at vacation Bible school. His face just beamed. He said, "I like it all!"
This wasn't because of one person. It was because of God and the team effort in unity of those many volunteers.
This week is "ask" week.
Ask God to guide you as you lead others. I want to feel His presence and see Him in everything that is done.
Ask others who have just finished vacation Bible school what the best thing was and what problems were encountered. The worst thing will tell me what problems to handle before the next one. The best thing lets me know what people will remember and what they will tell others. Sometimes the easiest way to do this is through an evaluation form--a simple one.
Ask yourself if it brought you closer to God. Then ask yourself how you can become even closer to God and bring others closer with the next vacation Bible school. If stress is a factor, then evaluated ways you can manage the stress.
Ask others for help next year. It is not too early. One can form a small planning committee to begin to work on it. In all my years of volunteering, whether it was for vacation Bible school, another Christian service, PTA or any other activity, the number one reason I found that people did not volunteer is because they were not asked.
The volunteers will make it happen. One wants every attendee to say "I like it all!" The child who said it me confirmed it with the smile on his face. And when we sang the song about joy being in my heart, I knew he meant it. I did.
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